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  • What is BASE BOOST?
    Zardoz BASE BOOST is a patented 100% liquid fluoropolymer base treatment. It instantly absorbs into the pores of most bases and is held in place by capillary attraction, like water in a sponge. A thin, hydrophobic film of BASE BOOST will bead up moisture molecules in the snow, creating a hydroplaning effect. This minimizes friction and maximizes glide, especially in flatter terrain and at lower speeds. The “Zardoz Affect” will amaze you, particularly as the snow gets wetter.
  • What are the main benefits of BASE BOOST?
    By lowering the friction between snow and the base of skis and boards, you can expect easier turns, increased momentum through the flats, faster acceleration and longer intervals between waxing.
  • Is BASE BOOST used on top of wax or instead of wax?
    Yes to both! BASE BOOST is typically applied as a topcoat for wax as it helps extend the life of wax and improve performance. Many skiers and boarders love the feel of BASE BOOST, especially in wetter snow and use it instead of wax.
  • How long does BASE BOOST last?
    One application of BASE BOOST on top of your existing wax will optimize the performance of your wax for an entire day.
  • When should I apply BASE BOOST?
    BASE BOOST should be applied before your first run of the day. Our handy puck shaped applicator case fits into a pocket or backpack so you can take it with you whilst skiing or snowboarding should you feel the need for an extra boost!
  • Does BASE BOOST work in all snow conditions?
    Yes, BASE BOOST works on all types of snow but the wetter the better. BASE BOOST really rocks in high moisture snow.
  • How does BASE BOOST compare to wax?
    Hot wax and other wipe on waxes only create a superficial bond to the surface of the base. The bond of hot wax is better than that of most wipe-on products, however, it doesn't truly penetrate the base. BASE BOOST is inert and cannot bond to anything. It works by fully absorbing into the base and holding on by capillary attraction - like water in a sponge. A thin, hydrophobic layer is wicked out by the moisture in the snow, constantly relubricating the base. On a snowboard- the most noticeable difference between BASE BOOST and wax, is that a board with BASE BOOST will be much more slippery at low speeds and in variable snow temps. It is also much smoother in wet snow. BASE BOOST will last about 1 day and is easy to apply. Our research shows that about 90% of all skiers and riders do nothing to their base. It is still good to get an occasional hot wax for the protection it provides, but most people use just BASE BOOST.
  • Can I use BASE BOOST on it's own?
    Yes! 90% of skiers and boarders either never wax or wax just once or twice a year. Waxing is confusing, messy and time consuming. BASE BOOST is the perfect alternative to expensive and time-consuming hot waxes. It’s also a great mid-day or mid-vacation touch up. You can use it instead of wax or on top of wax. BASE BOOST does not give you the long-term base protection of hard wax, but it is much better than using nothing.
  • What is the Felix Process?
    Felix Rabanal, from Albuquerque, was the very first pro snowboarder to start using BASE BOOST regularly. He was also the first to tell us about his method of using BASE BOOST with traditional wax. Felix organizes snowboarding demos virtually every weekend in New Mexico and frequently has to deal with user-unfriendly snow conditions. He found that by using BASE BOOST with wax he could obtain a base treatment that outperformed everything else on the market. Since then we have received many reports of similar BASE BOOST-wax applications. This is how it's done: 1. Clean the base thoroughly with wax remover, perhaps several times. Make sure the base is clean and dry before doing the next step. For best results, have the base freshly stone ground with a very smooth finish. The process will last much longer on a sintered base but will have equally good short-term performance on an extruded base. It is extremely effective with graphite bases. 2. Apply BASE BOOST liberally and let it soak in overnight in a warm place (with the base facing up). Reapply BASE BOOST the next day so that the base surface looks wet but is not dripping. 3. Apply a hard race wax that you are familiar with over the BASE BOOST surface. Iron in the wax until small puddles of BASE BOOST appear on the surface of the wax. Iron in small circular patterns over the whole base. Scrape, buff, and cork the wax to a fine finish. DO NOT brush or structure the wax, especially if the snow is wet. The goal is to create the smoothest possible finish. 4. If the snow temperature is below 10º F, use as is without applying a BASE BOOST topcoat. For warmer temperatures apply BASE BOOST as a topcoat before using. 5. Apply BASE BOOST to the waxed surface twice a day or as needed. You now have a very hard, smooth waxed surface that is also totally hydrophobic. The BASE BOOST primer will come up through the wax to internally lubricate it, and the surface BASE BOOST will refresh the primer and protect the wax from wear. This treatment will be much more slippery and greatly outlast any conventional hard hot-wax, fluoro or otherwise. Even more impressive, various versions of the Felix Process have been reported to be effective from -20° F (yes, that's 20 below zero) to 32° F snow temperature!
  • How do I remove BASE BOOST?
    You can use a standard base cleaner (we recommend a citrus cleaner) or a hot scrape to remove BASE BOOST. Many racers like to use BASE BOOST as a base coat, hot wax and then an overlay of BASE BOOST. We call this the Felix Process.
  • How should I use BASE BOOST when using climbing skins?
    BASE BOOST is an inert liquid and will not affect the glue of your skins. However, if you put it on before your skins, the base will be somewhat wet with BASE BOOST and the skins will have trouble sticking. It's best to apply BASE BOOST at the top of your climb after pulling your skins off. Another option is to polish the base after applying BASE BOOST with a tissue or shirt sleeve and then attach your skins. BASE BOOST can also be used as a quick fix on the skin material to reduce icing. Use it on the top sheets and binding plates to reduce snow build up, on sleds, squeaky bindings, stuck twist lock mechanisms and any other moving part. It’s a great multi-purpose lubricant for every backcountry skier’s tool kit. It works extremely well on the furry side of the skin to help prevent the buildup of snow and ice. BASE BOOST is completely inert, so it has no reaction or interference with glue. However, trying to stick anything to a wet surface is difficult. If you are "yo-yo" skiing (where you climb up with your skins, ski down, then climb up again), BASE BOOST applied at the top of the run will be sufficiently polished by the time you get down and there won't be any issue applying skins before the next run.
  • Why are my skis or board feeling sticky?
    If your base has been abraded by the snow (your base will look dry, white and fuzzy), it will likely start to feel sticky. This is caused by friction from snow and will feel like having velcro on your base. If this happens, take your skis or snowboard to a shop for repair. To prevent it re-occurring, we recommend hot waxing your base and then applying BASE BOOST at the beginning of each day.
  • Will BASE BOOST dry out my base?
    BASE BOOST chemically cannot dry out your base. Sometimes users mistakenly assume that BASE BOOST is like other quick waxes which use PTFE (generic powdered Teflon® fluoropolymer) suspended in solvent. These solvents can sometimes be harsh on a base, causing a dry appearance or sometimes even clogging a base. BASE BOOST uses pure liquid Teflon® fluoropolymer, which is completely inert (non-reactive, non-corrosive, non-toxic). Being 100% Teflon there are no solvents to dry out the base. By nature of being inert, BASE BOOST cannot chemically do anything to your base. However, most of the time when someone refers to "dryness", they are talking about the worn, fuzziness on their base. This is caused by the repetitive grinding action of snow crystals. This "fuzz" creates drag, and the base should be stone ground or belt sanded to remove it. Some bases (like graphite bases) are easier to abrade than others. In some snow conditions and on some bases, BASE BOOST will not provide enough protection to eliminate abrasion. In these rare cases, we recommend using a base layer of wax before applying BASE BOOST on top. The wax will give you extra protection from the snow, and BASE BOOST will make the wax last longer, work in a broader temperature range and glide better at low speeds. Reapply BASE BOOST daily in between wax jobs.
  • How should I use BASE BOOST with a graphite base?
    Graphite bases are a higher performance material and require extra care. When you take them to a shop, ask for a BASE BOOST layer first, then a hotwax. Before you ski for the first time, put on a topcoat of BASE BOOST. This will make the wax last longer and give you a protected base under the wax. Wax a couple of times during the season to get extra protection. It will feel smooth and fast on the base so long as the base material is smooth. We recommend a cold snow, smooth structure in all temperatures. BASE BOOST absorbs into the molecular structure of your base and holds on like water in a sponge (by capillary attraction). The moisture in the snow wicks out a thin layer which constantly refreshes your base. The active surface layer of BASE BOOST is only several microns thick, so a heavy structure will break that up and make them less hydrophobic. The heavy structure is intended to reduce suction. But when a base is very hydrophobic it converts the moisture in the snow to beads which run off your base like ball bearings. All the fluorinated waxes do this, but as BASE BOOST is a pure fluoropolymer, it will give you the most hydrophobic coating. As for waxing, the Felix Process is the best way to protect your base. The graphite makes a base faster but it is also more fragile. In certain harsh snow conditions BASE BOOST will not give you sufficient protection to prevent abrasion. Early season snow, man made snow, ice and corn all are harsh conditions. If your base starts to look dry and slightly fuzzy, that is the result of abrasion. If you see this happen, adminster a layer of wax and then refresh it daily with BASE BOOST. This will make it last longer, glide smoother and work in a broader range.
  • Does BASE BOOST work on extruded bases?
    Extruded bases are by nature, not very porous. BASE BOOST works well on these bases but will rub off a little faster. For the best longevity, use normal hot wax and apply a topcoat of BASE BOOST. It will make both products last longer.
  • Is anything special required for new equipment?
    You don't need to do anything special with BASE BOOST. Just wipe it on and go! In bitter cold snow you should apply it and then polish it with a tissue, this will keep the snow from sticking to the moisture on your base. You should still occasionally hot wax your boards or skis. If you’re in a hurry you don't need to do it for your first time out, but early season conditions are really harsh and you may want a little extra protection. If your ski or board bases are a solid, matte black finish they are probably graphite. These are a higher performance base and need more care. You should hot wax these about every 5 times you go and use BASE BOOST every day (or even twice a day). This will keep them performing like new. If your base is any other color you can get away with waxing just a couple times in the season if you’re using BASE BOOST every day.
  • Is BASE BOOST safe?
    Zardoz BASE BOOST is non-toxic, non-flammable, odorless, colorless, safe for skin contact and biologically & chemically inert (this means that it won’t react with anything that it contacts). It can withstand temperatures from +550° F all the way down to -60 ° F. Fluoropolymers are used in hundreds of industries around the world and have undergone decades of scientific and empirical testing.
  • Can I use BASE BOOST for anything else?
    Zardoz is a liquid Teflon fluoropolymer which makes it a really versatile substance. So, from time to time, our customers let us know about some of the alternate uses they have discovered: 1. Headlights – helps bring old headlight lenses back to life. 2. Chain Lube – it works great as a bicycle chain lubricant. 3. Ice Repellent – riders wipe it on the tops of their boards and skis to prevent ice and snow build up. 4. Rubber Protectant – when wiped on rubber, it helps preserve and protect it. 5. Lock Lubricant – can be used to lubricate stuck locks. 6. Cable Lubricant – use along a new bike cable before inserting into its housing. 7. Coolant Hose Anti-seize – use on the flange of your coolant hoses so they are easier to remove during the next repair.
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